I was reading
MC Etchers Breakfast Adventure and I can't help but wonder why anyone would eat a hot dog for breakfast. I can't think of single occasion when I have even thought "you know what, I really feel like a hot dog for breakfast today".
Sure, I've eaten cake (with and without ice cream), jam and cheese sandwiches, breakfast quiche, cheese and tomato toasties and even the odd danish along with regular type breakfasts - porridge, cereal, toast, fruit toast, cinnamon toast, yoghurt, fruit, muesli, smoked salmon, pancakes (again, with and without ice cream), baked beans on toast, eggs with mushrooms and spinach and, my personal favourite, lightly toasted crumpets with butter and honey.
Whenever we go out for breakfast, I almost always feel the need to have something extravagant for breakfast - you know, something that you are unlikely to make for yourself - buttermilk blueberry pancakes with honeycomb butter or vegetarian breakfast with scrambled tofu and chili chutney. Poached eggs always feels like a let down, I mean Buster makes excelled poached eggs, usually better than the cafe as well. Toast? Boring and it always arrives cold.
Perhaps the lure of the hot dog for breakfast is its simplicity - it's fast to make, easy to eat and satisfyingly bready. It's quite portable too - you could even eat it in the car on the way to work. Now if only I could work out a way to apply mascara and straighten my hair while driving and eating, my life would be complete.