On Friday night we caught up with Pleiades Girl (
http://pleiadesgirl.blogspot.com/) and her partner "MQ". My talk of blogs has, well she says inspired, but I say corrupted, her and now she too has turned her hand to blogging. It's becoming an epidemic - first Venerable, then Pleiades Girl - who's next - the Gorgeous Tall One or Weatherboi? We will soon have to have a cast list so you can keep track of who's shagging who.
You'll also be pleased to know that the Festival of the Laziest Girl has finally wound its way to a close. We had the obligatory family lunch on Sunday and the last of the presents were handed over.
We also went and saw Shaun of the Dead on Sunday. While not a brilliant film, it was still very funny. There was only one part that was a bit scary but for most of the film, I was laughing too hard to be scared. Even the horrible gory bits were funny. I never thought that I would be in hysterics when confronted with a man whacking people over the head with a cricket bat.
I've also started reading Seven Types of Ambiguity by Elliot Perlman but I'm only about three pages in at the moment.
Voting on Saturday was hideous. I had to try and choose who to put last on the green form - hmmm, One Nation Party or Family First Party. In the end, I put Family First last because they are clearly mad - One Nation are only stupid. Who could, in all honesty, think (let alone say) that burning lesbians at the stakes is a fitting thing to do. Let me tell you who - Family First Party. Lunatics, honestly.
Everyone I talk to is bemoaning the fact that Howard got in again. So who the hell is voting for him?