Friday, June 19, 2009
About Me
- Name: Laziest Girl
- Location: Brisbane, Australia
Mother, wife, servant of a ginger cat and a greyhound. Learning to sew - sometimes with more success than other times. Maker of crocheted things. Learner of knitted things - although I am somewhat lacking capacity to apply myself to this challenge. Lives in Brisbane, Australia. |
- Arbitrary Views
- Bibliophagists Anonymous
- Etch-A-Sketch Attention Span
- The Fat Bald Married Guy
- The Fount of Useless Information
- Get on the Blandwagon!
- Go Fug Yourself
- Invisible Lizard's Unusual Oranges
- Konbini Life
- Miscellaneous Shellfish
- Mundane Ramblings
- Nothing to do with Arbroath
- On Being a Granola Geek
- Random_Speak
- Red Felt Flower
- Snippets of Random Chaos
- We want to be on a Game Show

Previous Posts
- Today we went to the library and Buster was in cha...
- Child rearing (near) disasters
- Too long for twitter
- Feline ratbag
- Dinosaur birthday cake!
- I think these are my favourite shoes
- Lies I tell my child
- Note from daycare
- Work
- Things I Hate (and I hate a lot of things so this ...
- August 2004
- September 2004
- October 2004
- November 2004
- December 2004
- January 2005
- February 2005
- March 2005
- April 2005
- May 2005
- June 2005
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- September 2005
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- December 2008
- January 2009
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- October 2009
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- December 2009
- February 2010
- March 2010
- May 2010
- June 2010
- July 2010
- August 2010
- October 2010