Friday, June 08, 2007

A timely update

Baby stuff - Squirmy McBaby not born yet. We went to the doctor again today and he said that everything is fine and that Squirmy is perfectly happy and still growing well. The due date is Wednesday, 13 June but as babies generally arrive when they are ready and not when due to arrive, it could all still be two weeks away. I hope that Squirmy is happy to stay inside for a bit longer as Buster and I have horrible colds at the moment.

House stuff - the majority of the painting is now finished. Buster still needs to paint the window and door frames and the internal doors but the paint we need to use is quite fumey (not a good thing when breathing for two) so it will have to wait. We also still need to paint the kitchen cupboards but have run out of steam for now. I also finally unpacked my books and discovered that I have far too many. My two bookcases are full, there are three boxes still in the garage and I gave another big box to the charity shop.


Blogger Matt said...

Perhaps your perspective should change to this: "I also finally unpacked my bookshelves and discovered that I have far too few."

We will be thinking of you around the middle of next week.

9:04 pm  
Blogger Lin said...

Hey Suse! Thinking of you at this time and over the next couple of weeks. I trully hope all goes smoothly. Rest up! Looking forward to catching up with you when you are three, and ready for visitors. Take care, Linda x

9:55 pm  
Blogger MC Etcher said...

oops, Invisible Lizard commented my comment for me.

now if only he would write my blog as well!

11:22 pm  

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